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書城自編碼: 2024351
作者: [美]Gene
國際書號(ISBN): 9787121191022
出版社: 电子工业出版社
出版日期: 2013-01-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 590/11000000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 235.9



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1 An Overview and Brief History of Feedback Control
A Perspective on Feedback Control
Chapter Overview
1.1 A Simple Feedback System
1.2 A First Analysis of Feedback
1.3 A Brief History
1.4 An Overview of the Book
2 Dynamic Response
A Perspective on System Response
Chapter Overview
2.1 Review of Laplace Transforms
2.1.1 Response by Convolution
2.1.2 Transfer Functions and Frequency Response
2.1.3 The L Laplace Transform
2.1.4 Properties of Laplace Transforms
2.1.5 Inverse LaplaceTransform by Partial-Fraction Expansion
2.1.6 The Final Value Theorem
2.1.7 Using Laplace Transforms to Solve Problems
2.1.8 Poles and Zeros
2.1.9 Linear System Analysis Using MATLAB
2.2 System Modeling Diagrams
2.2.1 The Block Diagram
2.2.2 Block Diagram Reduction Using MATLAB
2.3 Effect of Pole Locations
2.4 Time-Domain Specifications
2.4.1 Rise Time
2.4.2 Overshoot and Peak Time
2.4.3 Settling Time
2.5 Effects of Zeros and Additional Poles
2.6 Stability
2.6.1 Bounded Input–Bounded Output Stability
2.6.2 Stability of LTI Systems
2.6.3 Routh’s Stability Criterion
2.7 Historical Perspective
3 A First Analysis of Feedback
A Perspective on the Analysis of Feedback
Chapter Overview
3.1 The Basic Equations of Control
3.1.1 Stability
3.1.2 Tracking
3.1.3 Regulation
3.1.4 Sensitivity
3.2 Control of Steady-State Error to Polynomial Inputs:
3.2.1 System Type for Tracking
3.2.2 System Type for Regulation and Disturbance Rejection
3.3 The Three-Term Controller: PID Control
3.3.1 Proportional Control P
3.3.2 Proportional Plus Integral Control PI
3.3.3 PID Control
3.3.4 Ziegler–Nichols Tuning of the PID Controller
3.4 Introduction to Digital Control
3.5 Historical Perspective
4 The Root-Locus Design Method
A Perspective on the Root-Locus Design Method
Chapter Overview
4.1 Root Locus of a Basic Feedback System
4.2 Guidelines for Determining a Root Locus
4.2.1 Rules for Plotting a Positive 180° Root Locus
4.2.2 Summary of the Rules for Determining a Root Locus
4.2.3 Selecting the Parameter Value
4.3 Selected Illustrative Root Loci
4.4 Design Using Dynamic Compensation
4.4.1 Design Using Lead Compensation
4.4.2 Design Using Lag Compensation
4.4.3 Design Using Notch Compensation
4.4.4 Analog and Digital Implementations
4.5 A Design Example Using the Root Locus
4.6 Extensions of the Root-Locus Method
4.6.1 Rules for Plotting a Negative 0° Root Locus
4.7 Historical Perspective
5 The Frequency-Response Design Method
A Perspective on the Frequency-Response Design Method
Chapter Overview
5.1 Frequency Response
5.1.1 Bode Plot Techniques
5.1.2 Steady-State Errors
5.2 Neutral Stability
5.3 The Nyquist Stability Criterion
5.3.1 The Argument Principle
5.3.2 Application to Control Design
5.4 Stability Margins
5.5 Bode’s Gain–Phase Relationship
5.6 Closed-Loop Frequency Response
5.7 Compensation
5.7.1 PD Compensation
5.7.2 Lead Compensation
5.7.3 PI Compensation
5.7.4 Lag Compensation
5.7.5 PID Compensation
5.7.6 Design Considerations
5.8 Historical Perspective
6 State-Space Design
A Perspective on State-Space Design
Chapter Overview
6.1 Advantages of State-Space
6.2 System Description in State-Space
6.3 Block Diagrams and State-Space
6.3.1 Time and Amplitude Scaling in State-Space
6.4 Analysis of the State Equations
6.4.1 Block Diagrams and Canonical Forms
6.4.2 Dynamic Response from the State Equations
6.5 Control-Law Design for Full-State Feedback
6.5.1 Finding the Control Law
6.5.2 Introducing the Reference Input with Full-State
6.6 Selection of Pole Locations for Good Design
6.6.1 Dominant Second-Order Poles
6.6.2 Symmetric Root Locus SRL
6.6.3 Comments on the Methods
6.7 Estimator Design
6.7.1 Full-Order Estimators
6.7.2 Reduced-Order Estimators
6.7.3 Estimator Pole Selection
6.8 Compensator Design: Combined Control Law and Estimator
6.9 Introduction of the Reference Input with the Estimator
6.9.1 A General Structure for the Reference Input
6.9.2 Selecting the Gain
6.10 Integral Control and Robust Tracking
6.10.1 Integral Control
6.11 Historical Perspective
7 Nonlinear Systems
Perspective on Nonlinear Systems
Chapter Overview
7.1 Introduction and Motivation: Why Study Nonlinear Systems?
7.2 Analysis by Linearization
7.2.1 Linearization by Small-Signal Analysis
7.2.2 Linearization by Nonlinear Feedback
7.2.3 Linearization by Inverse Nonlinearity
7.3 Equivalent Gain Analysis Using the Root Locus
7.3.1 Integrator Antiwindup
7.4 Equivalent Gain Analysis Using Frequency Response: Describing
7.4.1 Stability Analysis Using Describing Functions
7.5 Historical Perspective
8 Control System Design: Principles and Case Studies
A Perspective on Design Principles
Chapter Overview
8.1 An Outline of Control Systems Design
8.2 Design of a Satellite’s Attitude Control
8.3 Lateral and Longitudinal Control of a Boeing 747
8.3.1 Yaw Damper
8.3.2 Altitude-Hold Autopilot
8.4 Control of the Fuel–Air Ratio in an Automotive Engine
8.5 Control of the ReadWrite Head Assembly of a Hard Disk
8.6 Control ofRTP Systems in SemiconductorWafer Manufacturing
8.7 Chemotaxis or How E. Coli Swims Away from Trouble
8.8 Historical Perspective
Appendix Solutions to the Review Questions



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