From the Author-
As your child learns the alphabet, he or she is also learning
something called phonemic awareness the ability to hear and
separate sounds. My First Bob Books:Alphabet is written to help
tune your child s ear to the sounds letters make. This foundation
sets the stage for the magical moment when reading begins. The good
news is that you don t have to know reading theory to use Bob
Books. As you read the stories and talk about the books, your child
is learning. So be silly,
Expanding on the foundation sets that have made Bob Books such
a success, My First Bob BooksTM is a brand new series introducing
Bob Books proven teaching tools to children who aren t quite ready
for Bob Books:Set 1. My First Bob Books:Alphabet includes 12 books
of 12 pages each, presenting the letters of the alphabet in a
gentle, fun, easy-to-understand way as only Bob Books can! With
upper and lowercase examples of each letter, animal characters and
charming stories, your child will have fun learning new letter
sounds. Bob Books were developed to provide structure and early
success for children learning to read. All Bob Books encourage the
joy of reading through simplicity, consistency, humor and
LYNN MASLEN KERTELL is an author, a designer, and the daughter
of Bobby and John Maslen, the creators of the BOB Books. Having
spent a lifetime surrounded by the values and humour of the Maslen
family, Lynn is happy to be carrying on the BOB Books tradition of
helping kids love to learn.