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『英文書』Building Social Business

書城自編碼: 2046478
作者: Muhammad
國際書號(ISBN): 9781586489564
出版社: Perseus
出版日期: 2011-06-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 226/
書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 234.6



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《Banker To The Poor》
In this title, Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus looks more deeply
into the concept of social business, an alternative to unfettered
capitalism that channels the best energies of capitalism while
addressing pressing human needs, by showing how the theory and
practice of this idea is growing in the business, academic and
philanthropic worlds. Muhammad Yunus, the practical visionary who
pioneered microcredit and, with his Grameen Bank, won the 2006
Nobel Peace Prize for his world-changing efforts, here develops his
bold new concept that promises to revolutionize the free-enterprise
system: social business. Designed to fill the gap between
profit-making and human needs, social business applies
entrepreneurial thinking to problems like poverty, hunger,
pollution, and disease, creating self-supporting, self-replicating
enterprises that create jobs and generate economic growth even as
they provide goods and services that make the world a better place.
Partnering with some of the world''s greatest corporations, Yunus
and Grameen Bank have already launched several social businesses
that are addressing challenges like malnutrition, lack of potable
water, and endemic illness in Yunus'' homeland of Bangladesh, and
other organizations around the world are developing their own
experiments in social business. In this book, Yunus traces the
development of the social business idea; explains its lessons for
entrepreneurs, social activists, and policy makers; offers
practical guidance for those who want to create social businesses
of their own; and, shows why social business holds the potential to
redeem the failed promise of free enterprise.
Muhammad Yunus was born in Chittagong, a sea-port in
Bangladesh. The third of fourteen children, he was educated at
Dhaka University and was awarded a Fulbright scholarship to study
economics at Vanderbilt University. In 1972 he became head of the
economics department at Chittagong University. He is the founder
and managing director of Grameen Bank. Yunus and Grameen Bank are
winners of the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize.
Social Business--From Dream to Reality
1 Why Social Business?
2 Growing Pains
 Lessons in Adaptation and Change from the
 Story of Grameen Danone
3 Launching a Social Business
4 To Cure One Child
 A Case of Social Business in Healtheare
5 Legal and Financial Frameworks for Social Business
6 Grameen Veolia Water
 A Social RD Project for Addressing the World Water
7 Creating a Global Infrastructure for Social Business
8 Glimpses of Tomorrow
 More Social Businesses Are on the Way
9 The End of Poverty
 The Time Is Here



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