As a leader it''s your job to get the most talent, energy,
knowledge and inno1vationout of your employees. But how do you tap
into that collective intelligence? And how do you go beyond simply
connecting your workforce to actually seeing results from those
connections? The answer is social technology. In this book, two of
Gartner''s lead analysts share their experience working with more
than 300 companies who have successfully used social technologies
to collect, and capitalize on, the wisdom of their employees. This
book focuses on the business and management use of social media,
not on the technologies themselves. It teaches leaders how to
produce predictable business results using collaboration tools, and
how to focus on desired results while freeing employees to create
their own roadmaps. Where other books have described social
technology trends, and how companies are beginning to use Facebook,
wikis and collaborative software to connect employees to each
other, this book takes the crucial next step and provides a
prescriptive framework of 6 core principles that will help business
leaders facilitate and capitalize on the new environment and its
resources. Those principles are: Participation: social media tools
only work if everyone participates Collective Purpose: everyone
must understand the goal of participating to ensure useable
outcomes Transparency: Everyone must be privy to eath other''s
contributions so that content can be improved, corrected and
allowed to evolve Independence: Every participant must be able to
contribute anytime, without having to request admittance Capture
and Contribute: contributions must be recorded and remain available
for others to view, share and argue over Emergence: you can''t
predict what will happen in this collaborative state. You must be
willing to allow for unexpected outcomes like unknown expertise,
new work processes, etc
1 Introduction:The Promise of Social Organizations
2 Mass Collaboration: The Heart of the Matter
3 BecomingaSociaIOrganization
4 Forming a Vision for Community Collaboration
5 Developing a Strategic Approach to Community
6 Refining Purpose by Building Purpose Roadmaps
7 Launching the Community
8 Guiding from the Middle
9 Guiding the Community''s Purpose
10 Adapting the Organization
11 The Path to Becoming a Social Organization Epilogue: The
Social Future
About the Authors