This book is a revised and enlarged version of the original
maquette for Josef Koudelkas book Cikani Czech for Gypsies,
prepared by Koudelka and graphic designer Milan Kopriva in 1968,
and intended for publication in Prague in 1970. However, Koudelka
left Czechoslovakia in 1970, and the book was never published in
that original form. Koudelkas stark images depict the poverty and
clannishness of Gypsy life, but he does not present their situation
as a social problem that should somehow be fixed. Instead, he shows
the Gypsies as perpetual outsiders, and their lives as a primal mix
of glee and wonder, sorrow and mystery. This extended version of
the seminal Gitans, la fin du voyage consists of 109 photographs
taken between 1962 and 1971 in what was Czechoslovakia Bohemia,
Moravia and Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, France and Spain.
Sociologist Will Guy, author of the text that accompanied the first
publication of Gypsies, has contributed an updated essay, tracing
the migration of the Roma from their original homeland in northern
India, to their current status one that continues to be contested