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八月出版:大陸書 台灣書
七月出版:大陸書 台灣書


書城自編碼: 2120039
作者: [美]塔利
國際書號(ISBN): 9787510058233
出版社: 世界图书出版公司
出版日期: 2013-03-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 303/
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 182.9



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1 Particle Physics:A Brief Overview
 1.1 Handedness in the Equation of Motion
 1.2 Chiral Interactions
 1.3 Fundamental Strong Interaction
 1.4 Table of Elementary Particles
 1.5 Mass and Charge
 1.6 Hypercharge Interaction ofthe Standard Model
 1.7 Higgs Mechanism
 1.8 Program of Study
 1.9 Exercises
 1.10 References and Further Reading
2 Dirac Equation and Quantum Electrodynamics
 2.1 Natural Units and Conversions
 2.2 Relativistic Invariance
 2.3 Pauli-Dirac Representation and Connection with Nonrelativistic
2.3.1 Constants ofMotion
2.3.2 Velocity in Dirac Theory
 2.4 Probability Current
 2.5 Free—Particle Solutions in the Pauli-Dirac
 2.6 Antiparticles
 2.6.1 Charge-Conjugation Symmetry
 2.7 Lorentz Transformations
2.7.1 Lorentz Invariance ofthe Dirac Equation
2.7.2 Lorentz-Invariant Lagrangians and the
 2.8 Weyl Representation
2.8.1 Weyl Spinor Tw0—Component Formalism
2.8.2 Free—Particle Solutions via Lorentz Boost Transform
 2.9 Projection Operators and Completeness Relations
 2.10 Discrete Lorentz nansformations
 2.11 Covariant Form ofthe Electromagnetic Interaction
 2.12 Relativistic Propagator Theory
2.12.1 Source Terms:Coulomb Scatte—ng Potential
2.12.2 Photon Propagator
2.12.3 Massive sptn-1 Propagator
 2.I3 S-Matrix and Feynman Rules for QED
2.13.1 Cross Sections and DecaF Rates
2.13.2 Worked Example:Mort Scatte—ng
 2.14 Spin Statistics
 2.15 Exercises
 2.16 References and Further Reading
3 Gauge Principle
 3.1 Global Internal Symmetries
 3.2 Local Gauge Symmetries
 3.3 S u2and the Weak Interaction
3.3.1 Gauge Transformations ofMassive spin一1
3.3.2 Non-Abelian Four-Potentials
3.3.3 Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions
 3.4 Electroweak Gauge Interactions
 3.5 Gauge Interaction of QCD
 3.6 Structure of Elementary Matter
 3.7 Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
 3.8 Higgs Mechanism
3.8.1 Minimum Single—Doublet ofComplex Scalar Fields
 3.9 Glashow—Weinber9—Salam Theory ofthe Electroweak
 3.10 Neutral·Current Feynman Rules
 3.11 Fermion Masses and the CKM Mixing Matrix
 3.12 Neutrino Masses and the CKM Mixing Matrix
 3.13 Interaction Vertices in the Standard Model
 3.14 Higgs Mechanism and the Nambu—Goldstone Theorem
 3.15 Goldstone Boson Equivalence
 3.16 Anomaly Cancellation
 3.17 Exercises
 3.I8 References and Further Reading
4 Hadrons
 4.1 Color Antiscreening and Quark Confinement
5 Detectors and Measurements
6 Neutrino Oscillations and CkM Measurements
7 Collider Physics
8 Hadron Colliders
9 Higgs Physics



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