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書城自編碼: 2201829
作者: 张小良 主编
國際書號(ISBN): 9787122191373
出版社: 化学工业出版社
出版日期: 2014-02-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 171/261000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 93.6



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Chapter 1 Overview to Apparel Industry成衣业概观
1.2Briefing on the Apparel Production成衣生产概述
1.3Design Process设计过程
1.3.1Product Development产品开发
1.3.2First Pattern头板纸样
1.3.3Garment Sample服装样板
1.3.4Production Pattern生产纸样
1.3.5Product Costing成本预算
1.3.6Production Preparing生产准备
1.4Production Process生产过程
1.4.1Cutting Process裁剪过程
1.4.2Sewing Production缝纫制作
1.4.3Pressing Process熨烫过程
1.4.4Finishing and Packing后整理与包装
1.5Marketing Process 营销过程
1.5.1Markets and Environment Analysis市场与环境分析
1.5.2Fixing Marketing Target确定营销目标
1.5.3Developing a Marketing Strategy制定市场策略
1.5.4Marketing Mix营销组合
1.5.5Marketing Control市场控制
Chapter 2 Introduction of Apparel Merchandising成衣跟单介绍
2.1Description of Apparel Merchandising成衣跟单的描述
2.1.1Apparel Merchandising Concept成衣跟单概念
2.1.2Function of Apparel Merchandising成衣跟单作用
2.1.3Range of Apparel Merchandising成衣跟单的范围
2.2Business Cycle of Apparel Merchandising成衣跟单的业务周期
2.2.1Anticipation of Apparel Business成衣业务的预测
2.2.2Follow.up Product Portfolio跟进产品开发
2.2.3Material Sourcing and Procurement原材料搜集与采购
2.2.4Production Organization生产组织
2.2.5Shipment Arrangement船运安排
2.2.6Auxiliary Activities附属业务
2.3Apparel Merchandising Organization成衣跟单组织
2.3.1Business Scopes of Apparel Organization成衣公司的业务范围
2.3.2Organization Structure of Apparel Merchandising成衣跟单的组织架构
2.4Staffing in Apparel Merchandising成衣跟单的人事关系
2.4.1Major Responsibilities of a Merchandiser跟单员的主要职责
2.4.2Job Description工作描述
2.4.3Training and Development培训与开发
Chapter 3 Product Development产品开发
3.1Factors of Affecting Product Development影响产品开发的因素
3.1.1Parties Involved in the Product Development产品开发的相关人员
3.1.2Different Seasons不同的季节
3.1.3Fashion Trend时装流行趋势
3.1.4Fashion Trend Adoption时装潮流的采集
3.1.5Product Life Cycle产品生命周期
3.1.6Economy of the World世界经济
3.1.8Climate and Geography气候与地理
3.1.9Government Regulation政府法规
3.2Requirement of Product Development产品开发的要求
3.2.1Design Task设计任务
3.2.2Development Activities开发活动
3.3Specification of Product产品规格表
3.3.1Components of a Specification规格表的组成
3.3.2Case Analyzing of Specification规格表案例分析
3.4Sourcing Supplier搜集产品供应商
3.4.1Sourcing Process搜集程序
3.4.2Sourcing Types产品资源的类型
3.4.3Attributes of a Good Supplier优质供应商的特性
3.4.4Suppliers Evaluation供应商的评估
Chapter 4 Material Merchandising原材料跟单
4.1Textile Fibres纺织纤维
4.1.1Natural Fibres天然纤维
4.1.2Man Made Fibres化学纤维
4.2Fabric Types面料种类
4.2.1Woven Fabrics 梭织面料
4.2.2Knitted Fabrics针织面料
4.3Garment Accessories服装辅料
4.4Follow.up on Material Purchasing物料采购的跟进
4.4.1Material Purchasing Functions物料采购职能
4.4.2Purchasing Activities采购活动
4.4.3Forecasting Fabric Trend织物趋势预测
4.4.4Responsibilities of Supplier供应商的职责
4.4.5Evaluation of Material Supplier供应商的评估
4.4.6Transaction and Contracting交易与签约
4.4.7Booking for Factory Capacity预订工厂产能
4.4.8Transportation Booking预订运输
4.5Ordering Raw Material and Fabric Shipment采购原材料及面料运输
4.5.1Ordering Raw Material订购原材料
4.5.2Ordering Accessories订购辅料
4.5.3Fabric Shipment面料船运
4.6Lab Dip Following up and Evaluation小样板跟进与评估
4.6.1Lab Dip Following up小样板跟进
4.6.2Supplier Self.Approving Lab Dip供应商自评小样
4.7Piece Goods Quality Control布匹质量控制
4.7.1Piece Goods Inspection Guidelines布匹检查指南
4.7.2Piece Goods Inspection Systems布匹检查系统
4.7.3Acceptance Criteria接受标准
4.7.4Defects Classification疵点分类61
Chapter 5 Order Preparation and Costing订单准备与成本预算
5.2Product Specification产品规格
5.2.1Standard Specification标准规格
5.2.2Order Content订单内容
5.3Terms of Trading贸易方式
5.4Terms of payment付款方式
5.5Garment Costing服装成本估算
5.5.1Fabric Cost面料成本
5.5.2Yarns Cost纱线成本
5.5.3Production Cost生产成本
5.5.4Transportation Charges运输费用
5.5.5Other Operation Costs其他运作成本
5.5.6Analyzing of Costing Document成本估算文件的分析
Chapter 6 Production Schedule Follow up生产计划跟进
6.2Production Schedule and Process生产计划与程序
6.2.1Production Schedules生产排期
6.2.2Production Follow up Process生产跟单程序
6.3Pre.production Sample Approval产前样批复
6.3.1Sample Classification样板分类
6.3.2Approve PP Sample批复产前样
6.4Sample Order Analyzing制板单分析
6.4.1T.Shirt Sample Order T恤制板单
6.4.2Approval Sample Card核准样卡
6.5Production Process生产程序
6.5.1Production Process of Woven Wear梭织服装生产程序
6.5.2Production Process of Cut Sewn Knitted Wear裁剪型针织服装生产程序
6.5.3Production Process of Fully Fashion Sweater全成型毛衫生产程序
6.6Garment manufacturing and Analyzing服装制作与分析
6.6.1Analyzing of Men’s Shirt Making up男式衬衫制作分析
6.6.2Trousers Construction Analyzing西裤结构分析
6.7Prepare Production Order准备生产制造单
6.7.1Contents of Production Order生产制造单的内容
6.7.2Case Analysis of Production Order生产制造单案例分析
Chapter 7 Apparel Quality Evaluation服装品质评估
7.2Quality Inspection Criteria List 质量检验标准表
7.2.1Physical Appearance Criteria外观标准
7.2.2Workmanship Criteria工艺标准
7.2.3Packing and Marking Criteria 包装与标识标准
7.2.4Function Check功能性检查
7.3Garment Defects Classification服装疵点的分类
7.3.1Defects Catalogues疵点分类
7.3.2Defects Expression疵点的表达
7.4Types of Quality Inspections质量检验的类型
7.4.1Pre.Production Inspection前期检验
7.4.2In.line Inspection中期检验
7.4.3Final Inspection终期检验
7.4.4AQL Random Sampling Inspection AQL随机抽样检验
7.5Visual Inspection Procedure of Garment服装目测检验程序
7.5.1Review of the Technical File审查技术文件
7.5.2Inspection Standard and Sampling检验标准与抽样
7.5.3Carton Selection抽箱
7.5.4Style Comparison对款
7.5.5Hand feel of Material原料的手感
7.5.6Color Comparison对色
7.5.7Visual Workmanship Inspection外观工艺质量检验
7.6Size Measurement尺寸测量
7.6.1Measurement Guidelines for Tops上装测量指引
7.6.2Measurement Guidelines for Bottoms下装测量指引
7.7.1Product Inspection Report产品检查报告
7.7.2Defects Inspection Report疵点检查报告
7.7.3Measurement Report尺寸检查报告
7.8Problem Settlement问题处理
7.8.1Settlement with Discounts打折处理
7.8.2Settlement with Claims索赔处理
7.8.3Other Settlement其他处理方法
Chapter 8 Goods Shipment and Document Processing产品装运与单证处理
8.1.1Shipment Clauses装运条件
8.1.2Different Kinds of Shipment不同装运方式
8.1.3General Process of Shipment装运的一般程序
8.2Following up the Goods Packing跟进产品包装
8.3Arranging the Shipment Time安排装运时间
8.4Confirming the Loading Ports确认装卸港口
8.5Selecting the Transportation Modes选择运输方式
8.5.1Road Transportation公路运输
8.5.2Railway Transportation铁路运输
8.5.3Waterway Transportation水路运输
8.5.4Air Transportation航空运输
8.6Collecting the Shipping Documents收集装运文件
8.7Shipping Advice装船通知
8.7.1Shipping Advice under FOB离岸价下的装船通知
8.7.2Shipping Advice under CF 成本与运费下的装船通知
8.7.3Shipping Advice under CIF到岸价下的装船通知
8.8Specimen Letters公函范本
8.8.1Shipper’s Letter of Instruction托运通知书
8.8.2Letters Case Analyze信函案例分析
8.9Document Practice in Trading贸易文件实践
8.9.1Contract Purchase Order合同与采购订单
8.9.2Letter of Credit信用证
8.9.3Commerce Invoice商业发票
8.9.4Packing List包装单
8.9.5Weight List重量单
8.9.6Bill of Lading提货单
8.9.7Bill of Exchange汇票
8.9.8Shipping Advice装船通知
8.9.9Insurance Policy保险单
8.9.10Inspection Certificate检验证书
8.9.11Certificate Origin原产地证书
Appendix:Garment Vocabulary附录:服装词汇
Ⅰ. Fibre Fabric纤维与面料
Ⅱ. Accessory辅料
Ⅲ. Garment Part服装部件
Ⅳ. Garment Measurement尺寸量度部位
Ⅴ. Garment Sample样板名称
Ⅵ. Garment Wash洗水方法
Ⅶ. QC Terms QC名词
Ⅷ. Trading Terms贸易名词
Ⅸ. Abbreviation词汇缩写
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