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書城自編碼: 2575023
作者: [英]盖尔恩斯,[美]雷德曼 著,金宇 译
國際書號(ISBN): 9787532769469
出版社: 上海译文出版社
出版日期: 2015-05-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 257/498000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 77.7



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《 嗨,早知道英语我就这么学了:管鑫Sam的英语高手养成手记 》

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Acknowledgements 致谢
Introduction 导语
Starter 开篇
Howtouse aunit 如何使用每一单元
How to learn new words 如何学习生词
How to do the exercises 如何做练习
Abbreviations and symbols 缩写与符号
Basic English 基础英语
I can understand and say numbers 数字
I can tell the time 时间
I can saydays anddates 日期
I can say countries and nationalities 国家与国籍
I can use classroom vocabulary 课堂词汇
I can use English language words 英语单词
I can ask and answer questions about language 关于语言的提问与回答
Review 复习
People 人
I can give personal information 个人信息
I canfillin aform 填表
I cantalk aboutmyfamily 家庭
I can describe physical actions 身体动作
I can name parts of the body 身体部位
I can describe people 外形特征
I can talk about character 性格
I can describe relationships 关系
I can say how I feel 感觉
Review 复习
Everyday life 日常生活
I can describe my routine日常活动
I can talk about clothes 服饰
I can buy clothes 购买服饰
I can talk about money 金钱
I can talk about the weather 天气
I can talk about illness 疾病
I can get help at the chemist''s 在药店
Review 复习
Food and drink 食品饮料
I cannamemeat andfish 肉与鱼
I cannamefruitandvegetables 水果与蔬菜
I canbuyfoodin a shop 在商店采购食品
I can order in a caf6 在咖啡馆点单
I can order in a restaurant 在餐馆点单
Review 复习
Getting around 交通出行
I can get around on buses 乘坐巴士
I can get around on trains 乘坐火车
I can ask for and give directions 问路指路
I can talk about roads and traffic 道路与交通
I can understand signs and notices 标识与告示
Review 复习
Places 地方场所
I can talk about my country 国家
I can talk about my town 城镇
I can describe the countryside 乡村
I can talk about shops 商店
I can talk about my home 家
I can describe a kitchen 厨房
I can describe a bedroom and bathroom 卧房与浴室
I can describe a living room 客厅
Review 复习
Study and work 学习工作
I can talk about my school 学校
I can talk about university 大学
I can namejobs 工作
I can describe a iob 工作描述
I can talk about using a computer 使用电脑
I can use email and the internet 电子邮件与因特网
Review 复习
Hobbies and interests 兴趣爱好
I can saywhatIlike 喜好
I can talk about sport 体育运动
I can talkaboutmy flee time 空闲时间
I can talk about music 音乐
I cantalk aboutfilms 电影
I cantalk aboutthemedia 媒体
Review 复习
Holidays 假期旅行
I can arrange a holiday 安排度假
I can book a hotel room 预订酒店房间
I can communicate in an airport 机场沟通
I can describe a beach holiday 海滩度假
I can describe a sightseeing holiday 观光度假
I can use the bank and post Office 银行与邮局
Review 复习
Social English 社交英语
I can meet and greet people 见面问候
I can use special greetings 特别问候
I can askforinformation 获得信息
I can askforthings 提出要求
I can invite people 发出邀请
I can make suggestions 提出建议
I can offer,accept,and refuse 提供、接受与拒绝
I can say sorry and respond 道歉与应答
I can express my opinion 表达观点
I can use the phone 使用电话
Review 复习
Language 语言成分
I can use common adjectives 常见形容词
I can use common adverbs 常见副词
I can use irregular verbs 不规则动词
I callusephrasalverbs 短语动词
I can use prepositions of time 表示时间的介词
I can use time words and phrases 表示时间的单词和短语
I can use prepositions of place and movement 表示方位和移动方向的介词
I canuse linkwords1 连词1
I canuse linkwords2 连词2
I call use‘have’and‘have got’have,have got的使用方式
I can use‘get’get的使用方式
Review 复习
Vocabulary building 构词表
Common irregular verbs 常见不规则动词
Answer key 答案
Review answer key 复习单元答案
Spotlight boxes 词汇要点
Word list 单词表



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