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書城自編碼: 2591794
作者: 文旭 总主编,刘承宇,[美]巴顿[Patton,M.D.]
國際書號(ISBN): 9787300213057
出版社: 中国人民大学出版社
出版日期: 2015-07-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 268/465000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 75.9



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List of Tables
Table 1 Student exercise about China’s discoveries: Past and Potential 001
Table 2 Student exercise: Focusing possible research topics001
Table 3 Example of revising a language-acquisition topic to research problem 001
Table 4 Adapting research problems use S students to problems for use by Chinese students 002
Table 5 A summary of the characteristics of five genres 004
Table 6 Characteristics of research in the humanities, social sciences and education, applied sciences, and science 036
Table 7 contrasts some of the features of quantitative and qualitative research. 037
Table 8 Elements of the IMRaD model for organizing a research paper 037
Table 9 Matrix for organizing information about students using point by point or block methods 108
Table 10 Common transition phrases and signal words 109
Table 11 Common vocabulary to signal significance, gap, and present work 116
Table 12 Five studies about sweatshops: Author, date, title, claim, and sample quotation 199
Table 13 List of transition or signal phrases 209
Academic Writing: A Process of Discovery
1.1 Discovery: At the heart of research
If you are studying in a Chinese university, you no doubt have succeeded in passing many exams and you have learned how to report what other people have discovered. Perhaps, though, you have not had much opportunity to make and defend your own discoveries. Here you will have a chance to do just that. First, though, think about the tradition that you have inherited: China has an incredible creative legacy, millennia old. Consider not only the four great inventions, but also hundreds of other “firsts.” No other country can point to such an illustrious history. Paradoxically, this impressive history may be a problem, as H. Gao says in “The education system that pulled China up may now be holding it back.” China’s reverence for its past may keep it from looking forward. Particularly understated in an otherwise impressive educational system is a focus on discovery finding new problems and addressing them constructively and imaginatively. The focus on discovery is the heart of research, is the heart of academic writing, and is the heart of this book on academic writing intended for undergraduates preparing to write a thesis.



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