冈特鲍利是蓝色经济概念创始人,全心投入研究创新的蓝色经济模式,推广以无废弃、零污染、低成本的方式来解决环境问题,以求人类社会与自然生态皆能永续发展。他于1983年当选世界十大杰出青年,是生态工厂的先驱生态绿色组织(Ecover)的前主席,在欧洲建立了第一家生态工厂。1994年创办零排放研究创新基金会(Zero Emissions Research Initiatives,ZERI),致力于把生产过程重新设计成不污染环境的丛生工业(clustered industry)。
小猪和蘑菇正在讨论为 什么农场池塘里的鱼在逐渐消失。 一定是有鸟晚上偷我们的鱼。蘑菇这样认 为。 不,那是不可能的,我们晚上可是很警 惕的,小猪反驳说,一定会注意 到的。我想知道在鱼的家族里有 没有吃鱼的种群。
The pig and the mushroom are debating why the fish are vanishing from the pond on their farm. It must be the birds who come to steal our fish at night, argues the mushroom. No, thats not possible; we are very vigilant, defends the pig. We would have noticed. I wonder if one family of fish isnt eating the other.
看,蘑菇说,在3米深的 池塘中有7种鱼,每个食物链层次都有一种。没有鱼 对吃其他鱼感兴趣,我们可以不用专门为鱼买饲料。那 些鱼可能生病了,正在池塘的底部奄奄一息。 关于食物链级别,你说得对,顶层的食草鱼类从不吃食底 泥鱼类。由于有藻类,水里有许多浮游生物和水蜗牛,这 也意味着池塘里所有的鱼都有充足的食物。我实 在不明白,过去池塘里鱼的数量是现在的 5倍多,发生什么了?
Look, answers the mushroom, we have seven types of fish here one for each food level of our three metre deep pond. No fish is interested in eating the other. It is possible for us to farm fish without having to buy feed for them. Perhaps they got sick and are dying at the bottom of the pond. Youre right about the levels. The grass eaters at the top will never bother the bottom feeders. Thanks to the algae, there is a lot of plankton and many tiny snails in the water, which means that theres enough food to feed all the fish. I dont understand it. We used to have five times more fish than we have now, what is going on here?