目录Aabandon oneself toabase oneself absent oneself from absorb oneself in acclimatize oneself to accommodate oneself to accustom oneself toacquaint oneself with \[或(罕见)that\]acquit oneself adapt oneself toaddict oneself toaddress oneself toadjust oneself toalienate oneself fromallow oneself in allow oneself noally oneself with或toamuse oneself withbyapply oneself toarm oneself withassert oneselfassociate oneself withassure oneselfattach oneself to avail oneself of avenge oneself onupon Bbe all by oneself be a fool to oneself be a host in oneself be a law unto oneselfbe all over oneself be beside oneself withbe between ourselves 或you and mebe full of oneselfbe +抽象名词+itself be或get above oneself be oneselfbe simplicity itselfbe stuck on oneself be或look sure of oneselfbear oneselfbehave oneselfbe behind yourselfbend oneself to bestir oneselfbetake oneself tobetake oneself to ones heelsbethink oneself ofbetray oneselfbetter onselfbind oneself to do sth.bless oneselfbless oneself frombook oneselfbother oneselfbow oneself outbreak oneself ofbring oneself homebring…onupononeselfbring discredit on oneselfbring oneself tobring down on oneselfbring one to oneself bring…on oneselfburn itself out burn oneself out bury oneself inbusy oneself buy oneself inintoCcall oneselfcalm oneself cannot help oneself carry oneselfcast oneself onupon change oneself charge oneself withclean oneself upclothe oneselfcoddle oneselfcome to oneself commend itself tocommit oneself to compose oneselfconceal oneselfconcern oneself aboutconcern oneself withconduct oneselfconfess oneselfconfine oneself toconform oneself tocongratulate oneself on sth.connect oneself withconsole oneself withconstitute oneself ascontain oneselfcontent oneself withcover oneself withcrack oneself upcross oneself cry oneself Ddebate with oneselfdeceive oneselfdeck oneself out in sth.deck oneself withdeclare oneselfdedicate oneself todefend oneselfdeliver oneself ofdelude oneselfdemean oneselfdeny oneselfdeport oneselfdevote oneself todig oneself indischarge oneself disgrace oneself disguise oneself as dissociate oneself fromdistinguish oneselfdivert oneself divest oneself of divorce oneself fromdo for oneself do oneself creditdo oneself justicedo oneself prouddo oneself the pleasure of do oneself welldo well for oneself do with oneself drag oneself todrag oneself up by ones boot strapsdraw oneself updream to oneselfdress oneselfdrink oneself drunkdrink oneself out ofdrink oneself to deathdrink oneself under the tabledrown oneselfEedge oneself intoembarrass oneselfemploy onself inempty itselfendear oneself toengage oneself in engage oneself … engage oneself to sb.engross oneself inenjoy oneselfenlarge oneselfenroll oneselfenter oneself forestablish oneselfexcel oneselfexcuse oneselfexercise oneself inexert oneselfexhaust oneselfexplain oneself express oneselfextricate oneself fromFfamiliarize oneself withfancy oneselffeel oneself feel like oneselffeel quite oneselffend for oneselffind it in oneself to do sth.find oneselffind oneself at the mercy offind oneself behind the eight ballfind oneself out on a limbfit oneselfflatter oneself thatfling oneselffling oneself atfling oneself at someones headfling oneself intofling oneself onupon foist oneself on sb.forget oneselfforswear oneself fortify oneself frame to oneselffree oneself fromfree oneself ofGgather oneself togethergather oneself upget above oneself get hold of oneself get oneself in handget a grip on oneself gird oneself give a good account of oneself give a pooror bad account of oneselfgive an account of oneselfgive oneself airsgive oneself awaygive oneself a figuregive oneself out asforto begive oneself no concerngive oneself togive oneself trouble about sb.sth. give oneselfgive oneself over togive oneself upgive oneself up for lostgive oneself up togo andchase oneselfHhabituate oneself tohave nothing to say for oneselfhave oneself a timehave only oneself to thank for sth.help oneselfhelp oneself tohide oneselfhie oneselfhold oneselfhold oneself responsible(for sth.或to sb.)hug oneselfhurt oneself Iidentify oneself asidentify oneself with imagine oneself immerse oneself inimpose oneself asimpose oneself onupon indulge oneself ininflict oneself upon sb.ingratiate oneself withinjure oneself ininsinuate oneself intoinsinuate oneself into the good graces of sb.interest oneself ininure oneself toinvolve oneself withisolate oneself fromJjustify oneselfKkeep oneself keep oneself afloatkeep for oneselfkeep oneself to oneselfkeep … to oneself kick oneselfkid oneselfkill oneselfknock oneself outLlaugh oneself convulsion lay oneself downlay oneself open tolay oneself out lay up for oneself leave one to oneself leave oneself wide open toleave sth. to itselflend itself tolend oneself tolet oneself golet oneself inlet oneself looselive in或withinoneself live to oneself live with oneself load oneselflook oneself或ones usual selflose oneself inlower oneself Mmake an ass of oneselfmake an exhibition of oneselfmake a regular exhibition of oneselfmake a fool of oneselfmake a monkey out of oneselfmake a pig of oneselfmake a show of oneselfmake a spectacle of oneselfmake away with oneselfmake oneself acquainted with sth.make oneself at homemake oneself conspicuousmake oneself too cheapmake oneself known to sb.make oneself clearmake oneself heardmake oneself master make oneself out better than make oneself popularmake oneself scarcemake oneself solid withmake oneself understoodmake oneself usefulmarry above oneself marry beneath 或below oneself Ooccupy oneself with 或inorder oneselfoutdo oneselfoverleap oneselfoverreach oneselfovershoot oneselfoversleep oneselfoverwork oneselfowe it to oneself to doPpattern oneself afterperfect oneself inperjure oneselfpersuade oneself ofpick oneself uppicture oneself picture...to oneselfpique oneself onupon plant oneself please oneselfpledge oneselfplume oneself onupon posh oneself uppossess oneself ofpost oneself up in pour oneself intopraise oneselfpreen oneself onprepare oneself forpresent itself present oneself pride oneself onprink oneself upproclaim oneselfprove oneselfprove oneself to be a match for sb.provide for oneselfpull oneself inpull oneself to ones feetpull oneself togetherpull oneself up pull oneself up by ones own bootlaces或bootstraps push oneself push oneself forwardpush oneself forward on sb.put oneself或it aboutput oneself in或into sbs place或position或shoesput oneself in(或into) sbs shoes或place或positionput oneself into sb.s hands put或place oneself onuponrecord put oneself on the map put或placeput oneself output oneself out of the wayput oneself tothe troubleput oneself out on a limbfor someoneQqueer oneselfquit oneself ofRrage itself outraise oneselfraise oneself above the crowdraise oneself by ones bootlaces或bootstraps raise oneself up range oneselfrange oneself with read oneself intoread oneself to sleeprecoil on oneselfrecollect oneself reconcile oneself torecover oneselfreduce oneself to 或into reform oneselfrefresh oneselfregister oneselfrelax oneselfrelieve oneself nature remain 或keep oneself unspotted from the world remember oneself remove oneselfremove oneself from repeat itselfrepeat oneselfreport oneselfrepresent oneself asrepresent sth. to oneselfresign oneself toresign oneself to the role ofresolve oneself intorespect oneselfrest oneself retire into oneself retreat into oneselfreveal itself或oneself revenge oneself on rid oneself of right oneself rouse oneself run oneself outrun oneself to deathSsatisfy oneselfsave oneself the troubleofsay for oneselfsth.say to oneself school oneselfscream oneself into fitsscrew up oneselfseat oneselfseclude oneselfsee for oneselfsell oneselfset oneself againstset oneself to do sth.set oneself upset oneself up to be或as或forsettle oneself inshake oneself togethershift for oneselfshout oneselfshow itselfshow oneself show oneself in ones true colours shrink into oneself sink oneself或ones own interestsoak oneself inspare oneself spare oneself the troublespeak for itself speak for oneself speak for yourself或yourselvesspeak to oneselfspend itselfspend oneselfspoil itselfspread oneselfspread oneself thin ly square oneselfwith stand up for oneself starve oneselfstation oneself insteel oneselfstew oneselfstick oneself in stint oneselfstir oneself stretch oneself stretch oneself outstyle oneself submit oneself tosuggest itself to suit oneselfsurpass oneself surrender oneself intosurrender oneself toswell oneself upTtag oneself on totake care of oneself take credit to oneself take home to oneself take it upon oneself to thank sb.take oneself awaytake oneself in handtake oneself off take sbout of oneself take onupononeself take to itself wingsteach oneself tear oneself away fromthank oneself forthink no small beer of oneselfthink of oneself asthink oneself something(或think something of oneself等)think to oneselfthrow或fling oneself at sbs head 或at the head of sbthrow(或fling)oneself at throw或fling oneself at sbs feetthrow 或fling oneself down throw 或fling oneself into throw 或fling oneself into the breachthrow 或fling oneself to the floor或ground或deckthrow 或fling oneself on upon throw 或fling oneself on uponsbs mercytie oneself up in 或into knotstire oneself outtog oneself up 或outtrouble oneself aboutturn in onupononeselfturn oneself inturn oneself looseUunbosom oneself unburden oneself of unburden oneself to Vvalue oneself onuponWwill oneself into contentmentworm oneself into worm oneself into sbs confidence或favourworry oneself about(或over)wrap oneself up inwrite oneself out 参考书目