津纳(Michael J. Zinner)博士是美国布莱根妇产医院外科主席,同时担任哈佛医学院外科教授,是世界知名的腹部外科专家。
简 目
目 录
Contributors ix
1.A Focused History of Surgery
2.Preoperative and PostoperativeManagement
3.Endoscopy and Endoscopic Intervention
4.Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery
5.Laparoscopic Staging and Approaches toCancer
6.Incisions, Closures, and Management of the Abdominal Wound
8.Perspective on Hernias
9. Intestinal Stomas
10.Abdominal Abscess and EntericFistulae
11.Gastrointestinal Bleeding
12.Management of Abdominal Trauma
13.Abdominal Vascular Emergencies
14.Benign Esophageal Disorders
15.Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and Hiatal Hernia Including Paraesophageal
14.Perspective on Benign Esophageal Disease
16.Cancer of the Esophagus
17.Surgical Procedures to Resect and Replace theEsophagus
18.Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery of the Esophagus
19.Perspective on Malignant Esophageal Disease
20.Benign Gastric Disorders
21.Gastric Adenocarcinoma and Other Gastric Neoplasms Except Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors
22.Perspective on Gastric Cancer
23. Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors
Candrajit P. Raut
24. Perspective on Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors
25.Stomach and Duodenum: Operative Procedures
26.Morbid Obesity and Its Surgical Treatment
27.Perspective on Morbid Obesity and Its Surgical Treatment
28. Small Bowel Obstruction
29. Tumors of the Small Intestine
30. Appendix, Meckels, and Other Small Bowel Diverticula
31.Diverticular Disease and Colonic Volvulus
32.Crohns Disease
33.Ulcerative Colitis
34.Perspective on inflammatory Bowel Disease
35.Laparoscopic Colorectal Procedures
36.Perspective on Colonic Neoplasms
37.Benign Disorders of the Anorectum Pelvic Floor, Fissures, Hemorrhoids, and Fistulas
38.Cancer of the Rectum
39.Perspective on Rectal Cancer
40. Cancer of the Anus
41. Hepatic Abscess and Cystic Disease of the Liver
42. Benign and Malignant Primary Liver Neoplasms
43. Hepatic Colorectal Metastases: Resection,Pumps, and Ablation
44.Perspective on Liver Surgery
45.Portal Hypertension
46. Cholecystitis andCholelithiasis
47.Choledocholithiasis and Cholangitis
48.Choledochal Cyst and Benign BiliaryStrictures
49.Cancer of the Gallbladder and BileDucts
50. Laparoscopic Biliary Procedures
51.Management of AcutePancreatitis
52.Complications of Acute Pancreatitis Including Pseudocysts
53.Chronic Pancreatitis
54.Perspective on Management of Patients with Severe Acute Pancreatitis
55.Cystic Neoplasms of the Pancreas
56.Cancers of the Periampullary Region and thePancreas
57.Endocrine Tumors of the Pancreas
58.Perspective on Pancreatic Neoplasms
59.The Spleen
60. Adrenalectomy
Maingots Abdominal Operations has always filled a unique niche. For many surgeons, including the editors, the text has consistently offered a comprehensive discussion of surgical diseases of the abdomen with a focus on operative strategy and technique. The book has served as a needed reference to refresh our knowledge before a common operation or in preparation for a novel one. Our intended audience for this edition is the same as for the original publication; the book is meant for the surgical trainee as well as the practicing surgeon. We continue to have an international audience and have made every effort to produce a product that is equally valuable to readers in Malaysia and Montana. For both of us, in this third effort together, it continues to be both an honor and a privilege to have the opportunity to edit the twelfth edition of this classic textbook.
Abdominal surgery has clearly changed since RodneyMaingots first edition in 1940. Not only has our knowledge base increased substantially but the procedures themselves have become more complex. The current subspecializa- tion in abdominal surgery, a consequence of these changes, might even challenge the need for such a comprehensive text. Abdominal disease has been increasingly parceled up between foregut, hepatobiliary, pancreatic, colorectal, endocrine, acute care, and vascular. We continue to believe, however, that the basic principles of surgical care in each of the anatomical regions have more similarities than differences. Experience in any one of these organs can inform and strengthen the approach to each of the others. Few would question the need for the abdominal surgeon to be well versed in dealing with any unexpected disease that is encountered in the course of a planned procedure. For many of us, Maingots Abdominal Operations has consistently helped to fill that need. We also intend for this textbook to remain disease-focused in addition to its organprocedure format. In keeping with the growing opinion that minimally invasive surgery should be viewed not as a distinct subspecialty but rather as one tool employed in each of the anatomic or disease-based subspecialties, in this edition we have incorporated the chapters on minimally invasive surgery throughout the text rather than in a distinct section.
The new edition of this textbook is a significant revisionin most areas a completely new book. We have attemptedto focus the text on operative procedures as well as on newconcepts in diagnosis and management of abdominal disease. Although the new edition, like the last edition, is condensed compared with previous versions, we have continued to pres- ent the opinions and knowledge of more than one expert. In an effort to enhance this feature, in areas where opinions and approaches differ, we have added Perspective commentaries by experts in the field who we expected might have distinct opinions about approaches andor operative techniques. In response to our international readers, we have added chapters on gastrointestinal bleeding, abdominal trauma, and vascu- lar emergencies, all of which were removed for the previous edition. We have attempted to maintain an international flavor and have included a cross-section of both seasoned senior contributors and new leaders in gastrointestinal surgery. We continue to present a contemporary textbook on current diagnostic procedures and surgical techniques re- lated to the management and care of patients with all types of surgical digestive disease.
An extensive artwork program was undertaken for this edition. Many line drawings have been recreated to reflect the contributors preferred method for performing certain surgi- cal procedures. Some of these drawings are new and give the book a more modern and overall consistent look. In addition, this edition is the first with full-color text and color line art.
In the preface to the sixth edition, Rodney Maingot noted, As all literature is personal, the contributors have been given a free hand with their individual sections. Certain latitude in sryle and expression is stimulating to the thoughtful reader. Similarly, we have tried to maintain consistency for the reader, but the authors have also been given a free hand in their chapter submissions.
We would like to thank the publisher, McGraw-Hill, andin particular Robert Pancotti, for their unwavering support during the lengthy time of development of this project. Their guidance was invaluable to completing this project in a single comprehensive volume. Their suggestions and attention to detail made it possible to overcome the innumerable prob- lems that occur in publishing such a large textbook.
Finally, to our editorial assistant who has survived thetrials of this book, Linda Smith; she has been invaluable and we never would have been able to do it without her. Patrina Tucker and Colleen Larkin have also stepped up and made this project possible. We owe them a great debt of gratitudefor helping with every step of the workfrom typing manuscripts to editing and reading page proofs, and providingencouragement during the prolonged dry periods and preparation of this textbook.To all of those who have participated in the creation andpublication of this text, we thank you very much.
Michael J. Zinner, MD, FACE
Stanley \V. Ashley, MD, FACE