尕藏加,著名藏族佛教学者,中国社会科学院研究生院教授、中国社会科学院佛教研究中心研究员、中国佛教文化研究所特聘研究员。著有《人类奥秘大开放-藏传佛教密宗》、《西藏佛教神秘文化-密宗》、《吐蕃佛教-宁玛派前史与密宗传承研究》《雪域的宗教》(上、下册)等。 Kal Sang Gyal, a scholar engaged in the study of Tibetan Buddhism, professor at the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, researcher at the Center for Buddhist Studies of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and distinguished researcher at the Chinese Buddhist Culture Research Institute, has published a number of works, including Great Reveal of Human Mysteries: Vajrayana as a Sect of Tibetan Buddhism, the Mysterious Culture of Tibetan Buddhism: Vajrayana, the Tubo Buddhism: Early History of Rnying Ma Pa and Inheritance of Vajrayana and the Religions on the Snow-Covered Land Volume I and II.