中华之美丛书围绕中华优秀传统文化这一主题,择取其中15个专题分别加以介绍。这15个专题,包括以思想、智慧、艺术为主的无形遗产,以工艺、器物为主的有形遗产,以衣食住行乐为主的民俗生活,它们精心构架,有机结合,勾勒出中国文化的一个总体面貌,并反映出中华文化独一无二的理念、智慧、气度、神韵。关于饮食,中国有一句流传甚广的俗语民以食为天,足见吃在中国人生活中的重要地位。中国人重视吃,也会吃。到过中国的外国人,不仅常常惊叹于中国各地食品种类之繁多,而且更加艳羡中国菜口味的变化多端。尽管各地菜肴的口味不同,但色香味俱佳的菜品准则是一致的。讲吃福的中国人,在日常生活中处处体现着吃的乐趣、吃的悠闲,追寻着中国人自己的吃的艺术。这种饮食文化对于世界多元文化的影响已经远远超过了饮食本身。There is a widespread saying about foods and drinks in China food is the first necessity of the people. It shows the important place of eating in Chinese peoples life. Chinese people pay attention to eating and know how to eat. Foreigners who have been to China not only marvel at the numerous types of Chinese local foods, but also admire the changeful tastes of Chinese dishes. Though dishes in various areas have different tastes, good colors, smells and tastes are pursued for all dishes. Chinese people set great store by enjoyment of good foods, demonstrating joyful and leisurely eating in all aspects of daily life and pursuing their own art of eating. This eating cultures influence on the worlds diversified cultures is far beyond eating itself.中华之美丛书围绕中华优秀传统文化这一主题,择取其中15个专题分别加以介绍。这15个专题,包括以思想、智慧、艺术为主的无形遗产,以工艺、器物为主的有形遗产,以衣食住行乐为主的民俗生活,它们精心构架,有机结合,勾勒出中国文化的一个总体面貌,并反映出中华文化独一无二的理念、智慧、气度、神韵。 关于饮食,中国有一句流传甚广的俗语民以食为天,足见吃在中国人生活中的重要地位。中国人重视吃,也会吃。到过中国的外国人,不仅常常惊叹于中国各地食品种类之繁多,而且更加艳羡中国菜口味的变化多端。尽管各地菜肴的口味不同,但色香味俱佳的菜品准则是一致的。讲吃福的中国人,在日常生活中处处体现着吃的乐趣、吃的悠闲,追寻着中国人自己的吃的艺术。这种饮食文化对于世界多元文化的影响已经远远超过了饮食本身。 There is a widespread saying about foods and drinks in China food is the first necessity of the people. It shows the important place of eating in Chinese peoples life. Chinese people pay attention to eating and know how to eat. Foreigners who have been to China not only marvel at the numerous types of Chinese local foods, but also admire the changeful tastes of Chinese dishes. Though dishes in various areas have different tastes, good colors, smells and tastes are pursued for all dishes. Chinese people set great store by enjoyment of good foods, demonstrating joyful and leisurely eating in all aspects of daily life and pursuing their own art of eating. This eating cultures influence on the worlds diversified cultures is far beyond eating itself.
刘军茹,北京语言大学副教授,长期从事中国文学和文化的教学与研究工作,2009年在美国默里州立大学担任汉语言文化教师。主要著作有:《当代文体写作》、《感知中国:中国文化百题》(合著)、《中国饮食》,发表学术论文十多篇。 Liu Junru, an associate professor at Beijing Language and Culture University, engaged in teaching and research of Chinese literature and culture for long, and taught Chinese language and culture at Murray State University in the United States in 2009. The main works include: Modern Stylistic Writing, A Kaleidoscope of Chinese Culture co-author, Chinese Foods and more than ten academic essays.
ForewordOrigins of FoodsTraditional FoodsForeign FoodsEating Utensils and Eating SystemsArt of ChopsticksWarm Dinner PartiesEating EtiquettesFoods and Eating CustomsTaste of Home DishesEating during FestivalsMinority Ethnic Groups Eating HabitsDrinking Tea and Drinking WineChinese Peoples Fondness of Tea DrinkingJoy of Wine DrinkingDelicacies and HealthHarmony of Five FlavorsCulinary ArtWays of Health PreservationEating TaboosEating around ChinaLocal Dishes with Distinct FlavorsSnacks in the South, North, West and EastComparison of Restaurants in Various RegionsPostscript: My Meal in a US Cafeteria
There is a widespread saying about foods and drinks in China food is the first necessity of the people. It shows the important place of eating in Chinese peoples life. Eating is not just for elimination of hunger. The availability of foods, eating ability and eating skill are deemed as a kind of good fortune. In later ages, advocates of eating culture often cited the Chinese ancient thinker Confucius words food and sex are basic human desires as a positive ideological basis of On October this attitude of enjoying life. Eating is peoples basic desire and instinct. The neutral thought of enjoying life moderately instead of excessively and being ordinary and harmonic instead of going to the extreme is deemed as the core of Confucianism; meanwhile, the Taoist philosophy of pursuing nature and unity of man and nature also deeply influences and integrates with Chinese peoples daily life. Confucius said, If we dont know life, how can we know death? This clearly shows Chinese peoples specific and pragmatic attitude towards philosophical issues such as life, which is different from Westerners purely metaphysical speculation. In other words, Chinese peoples spirit and philosophy are often integrated with material life, and their understanding of the world and life is manifested in specific matters in life. The most specific one in life is perhaps none other than eating.Chinese people pay attention to eating and know how to eat. Thanks to their culinary skills, many raw materials that seem inedible to foreigners become delicious delicacies after Chinese cooks work. Here the key is the art of preparing delicacies. Chinese people cook foodstuffs with different tastes together to produce different tastes. They add various seasonings and auxiliary materials, keep mixing them, and let them supplement and penetrate each other to prepare various delicious foods. Isnt such highly imaginative blending a kind of art? Chinese philosophy holds that there is no absolute and single thing and emphasizes blending dynamically before reaching balance at last. The changes in them are judged mainly relying on intuition instead of reason. The secret of Chinese delicious foods is that such art of blending featuring highly individual comprehension emphasizes measures, local changes and overall coordination. This is the essence of Chinas culinary art, the most elusive and indescribable aspect, and of course the reason why Chinese foods are wonderful.