Have you ever heard of a fish named remora, with an oval-shaped sucker on its head? At the very beginning of this book, Boca the remora was caught by fishermen who took advantage its sucker to capture bigger fish. Later, with the help of Frogboy, a 12-year-old boy who was good at diving, Boca restored freedom and agreed to travel around with Frogboy, introducing the underwater world to him. Along their journey, they made lots of friends, learned more about those renowned names, such as sea cucumber and shark, and got themselves familiar with those weird ones, such as lantern fish and sparkler fish. They even had a narrow escape from many dangerous situations. ?鱼波卡在故事的开始就被渔民用绳子拴住了尾巴,放入大海,以头上的吸盘吸住大型鱼类,从而帮助渔民捕鱼。潜水本领高超的小蛙人在大海里潜水的时候,救出了失去自由的?鱼波卡。从此,他们开启了一段漫游大海的旅程。途中,他们结识了不少的海洋朋友,不仅对海参、鲨鱼等耳熟能详的海洋生物有了更深的了解,还认识了爆火鱼、灯笼鱼等各种各样的怪鱼,更有从众多险境中死里逃生的惊险经历。想知道美人鱼到底是不是真实存在的么?想知道小蛙人如何智斗偷猎者么?赶快加入小蛙人,开启一段美妙的海底之旅吧。
Have you ever heard of a fish named remora, with an oval-shaped sucker on its head? At the very beginning of this book, Boca the remora was caught by fishermen who took advantage its sucker to capture bigger fish. Later, with the help of Frogboy, a 12-year-old boy who was good at diving, Boca restored freedom and agreed to travel around with Frogboy, introducing the underwater world to him. Along their journey, they made lots of friends, learned more about those renowned names, such as sea cucumber and shark, and got themselves familiar with those weird ones, such as lantern fish and sparkler fish. They even had a narrow escape from many dangerous situations.
Does mermaid really exist? How Frogboy wielded his wisdom to fight against poachers? Want to know the answers? Join Frogboy and off your underwater adventure.