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書城自編碼: 3516901
作者: Maggie,Tallerman,崔刚
國際書號(ISBN): 9787302544753
出版社: 清华大学出版社
出版日期: 2020-05-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 130.7



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本书全面涵盖了语言学重要分支,句法学研究的主要概念与范畴。历经多次修订,是一本句法学入门教材和句法分析训练教材。作者基于转换生成语法理论和思想,讲解层层递进、由浅入深,练习涉及丰富,切实训练读者分析问题和解决问题的能力。在阅读完本书之后,读者可以掌握句法学的基本概念和理论,并且具备初步的进行句法分析和研究的能力。 读者对象:高校英语系语言学专业师生、句法学理论研究者、中文系语言学专业师生等
Note to the instructor xxvi
Note to the student xxvii
Acknowledgements xxix
Abbreviations used in examples xxx
Tables and figures xxxi
1 What is syntax? 1
章节导读 1
1.1 Some concepts and misconceptions 2
1.1.1 What is the study of syntax about? 2
1.1.2 Language change 9
1.2 Use of linguistic examples 13
1.2.1 Why not just use examples from English? 13
1.2.2 How to read linguistic examples 14
1.3 Why do languages have syntax? 20
1.3.1 Word order 21
1.3.2 Promotion and demotion processes 23
1.3.3 All languages have structure 25
Further reading 28
Exercises 29
Notes 34
2 Words belong to different classes 35
章节导读 35
2.1 Identifying word classes 37
2.1.1 How can we tell that words belong to di erent classes? 37
2.1.2 Starting to identify nouns, adjectives and verbs 38
2.1.3 An illustration: How do speakers of a language identify
word classes? 41
2.2 Verbs 44
2.2.1 An introduction to verb classes 44
2.2.2 Verbs and their grammatical categories 47
2.3 Nouns 51
2.3.1 Semantic roles for noun phrases 51
2.3.2 Syntactic roles for noun phrases 52
2.3.3 Nouns and their grammatical categories 56
2.3.4 Nouns, de? niteness and determiners 59
2.4 Adjectives 61
2.4.1 Positions and functions of adjectives 61
2.4.2 Adjectives and intensi? ers 63
2.4.3 Adjectives and their grammatical categories 63
2.4.4 Are adjectives essential? 64
2.5 Adverbs 67
2.5.1 Adverbs and adjectives 67
2.5.2 e adjunct function 68
2.6 Prepositions 69
2.6.1 Identifying prepositions in English 69
2.6.2 Postpositions 71
2.6.3 Grammatical categories for adpositions 71
2.7 Conclusion 72
Further reading 73
Exercises 73
3 Looking inside sentences 81
章节导读 81
3.1 Finiteness and auxiliaries 82
3.1.1 Independent clauses 82
3.1.2 Finiteness 84
3.1.3 Main verbs and verbal auxiliaries 85
3.1.4 Ways to express the grammatical categories for verbs 88
3.1.5 Non-? nite verbs 89
3.1.6 Co-ordination of clauses 93
3.1.7 Summary 93
3.2 Introduction to subordination 94
3.2.1 Complement clauses 94
3.2.2 Adjunct or adverbial clauses 98
3.2.3 Identifying subordinate clauses 98
3.2.4 Special properties of root clauses 100
3.2.5 Some cross-linguistic variation in subordination 103
3.2.6 Summary: Properties of subordinate clauses and root
clauses 104
3.3 Major cross-linguistic variations 105
3.3.1 e co-ordination strategy 105
3.3.2 Nominalization 106
Contents xxiii
3.3.3 Serial verbs 107
3.3.4 Summary 110
Further reading 111
Exercises 111
4 Heads and their dependents 120
章节导读 120
4.1 Heads and their dependents 121
4.1.1 What is a head? 121
4.1.2 e inuence of heads on their dependents 123
4.1.3 Summary: e properties of heads 124
4.1.4 More about dependents: Adjuncts and complements 125
4.1.5 More about verb classes: Verbs and their complements 127
4.1.6 Other heads and their complements 130
4.1.7 Summary: e main properties of complements vs.
adjuncts 131
4.1.8 Is the noun phrase really a determiner phrase? 132
4.1.9 Phrases within phrases 133
4.2 Where does the head occur in a phrase? Head-initial and
head-? nal languages 133
4.2.1 Head-initial languages 134
4.2.2 Head-? nal languages 135
4.2.3 An exercise on head-initial and head-? nal
constructions 136
4.3 Head-marking and dependent-marking languages 137
4.3.1 De? nitions and illustrations: Syntactic relationships
between heads and dependents 137
4.3.2 Head adposition and its NP object 138
4.3.3 e clause: A head verb and the arguments of the verb 140
4.3.4 Head noun and dependent possessor NP 143
4.3.5 Head noun and dependent AP 144
4.3.6 An exercise on head-marking and dependent-marking 145
4.3.7 Some typological distinctions between languages 146
4.3.8 Summary 149
Further reading 149
Exercises 150
5 How do we identify constituents? 158
章节导读 158
5.1 Discovering the structure of sentences 159
5.1.1 Evidence of structure in sentences 159
5.1.2 Some syntactic tests for constituent structure 161
5.1.3 Introduction to constituent structure trees 167
5.1.4 Summary 172
5.2 Relationships within the tree 172
5.3 Developing detailed tree diagrams and tests for constituent
structure 175
5.3.1 Verb classes and constituent structure tests 175
5.3.2 e co-ordination test for constituency 182
5.3.3 Do all languages have the same constituents? 184
5.3.4 An introduction to the bar notation 185
5.4 Summary 189
Further reading 189
Exercises 190
Note 195
6 Relationships within the clause 196
章节导读 196
6.1 Indicating grammatical relations in the clause 197
6.2 Order of phrases within the clause 199
6.2.1 Basic and marked orders 199
6.2.2 Statistical patterns 200
6.3 Case systems 203
6.3.1 Ways of dividing core arguments 203
6.3.2 Nominativeaccusative systems 205
6.3.3 Ergativeabsolutive systems 206
6.3.4 Split systems I 208
6.3.5 Marked and unmarked forms 210
6.4 Agreement and cross-referencing 211
6.4.1 What does verb agreement involve? 211
6.4.2 Nominativeaccusative agreement systems 212
6.4.3 Ergativeabsolutive agreement systems 215
6.4.4 Split systems II 216
6.5 Grammatical relations 217
6.5.1 Investigating core grammatical relations 217
6.5.2 Subjects: Typical cross-linguistic properties 217
6.5.3 An examination of subjects in speci? c languages 219
6.5.4 Objects 226
6.6 Free word order: A case study 228
6.7 Summary 231
Further reading 232
Exercises 233
Contents xxv
7 Processes that change grammatical relations 241
章节导读 241
7.1 Passives and impersonals 242
7.1.1 e passive construction and transitive verbs 242
7.1.2 e impersonal construction 248
7.2 e antipassive 249
7.2.1 Basic facts 249
7.2.2 Primary grammatical relations and grammatical pivot 251
7.3 e applicative construction 257
7.4 e causative construction 261
7.5 Summary 266
Further reading 266
Exercises 266
Notes 276
8 Wh-constructions: Questions and relative clauses 277
章节导读 277
8.1 Wh-questions 278
8.1.1 Languages with wh-movement 278
8.1.2 Languages with wh-in-situ wh-questions 282
8.1.3 Multiple wh-questions 284
8.2 Relative clauses 286
8.2.1 Relative clauses in English 286
8.2.2 Cross-linguistic variation in relative clauses 289
8.3 Focus movements and scrambling 295
8.4 Some conclusions 297
Further reading 298
Exercises 298
Note 308
9 Asking questions about syntax 309
章节导读 309
9.1 Syntactic description: What questions to investigate 310
9.2 A case study: Grammatical sketch of Colloquial Welsh 313
9.3 Some questions concerning syntax 320
9.4 Last words: More syntax ahead 324
Sources of data used in examples 326
Glossary 329
References 334
句法学在英语中是syntax,该词来自于古希腊语syntaxis 一词,意思是安排,排列,组合在一起。由此我们可以看出,句法学研究语言中句子的结构特征以及构造规律,换言之,句法学研究不同的词是如何组合在一起构成句子的,其中内在的规律是什么,不同的句子构成要素以及不同句子之间的相互关系又是什么。关于句子的结构特征有两个问题最为核心:一是它的线性特征;二是它的层级特征。所谓线性特征是指句子中词的排列顺序。虽然我们说出或者写出一个句子时,其中的词都是按照顺序一个接一个出现的,但是它们的出现不是随意的,都隐含着一定的句法规则。这些规则决定着词的具体位置,或者词的先后顺序,还决定着句子的不同要素之间的语法关系以及它们的句法功能。但是,句子的结构并不仅仅局限于词的线性顺序上,它还表现在句子的层级特征上。句子是由层级性的结构组成的,一个句子可以被进一步分为更小的成分,换言之,不同层次的小成分可以结合起来形成更大的单位。
句法学研究经历了长期的发展过程。在17 和18 世纪,关注句子结构的学者主要是哲学家,而不是语言学家。他们把句法视为思想和逻辑的反映,把语言视为一种能够反映推理过程的抽象系统,而不是像今天这样从实际使用的角度把语言视为交际的工具,也不会以实际出现的语料为基础对它们进行实证性的分析与研究。到了18 世纪末期,学者们对语言研究的重点更多地集中到语言的多样性上,当时的语言类型学所关注的重点也集中在形态学上。但是,这一阶段研究者的思想对于今天的句法学研究具有重要的影响,其中最为突出的是德国语言学家洪堡特(W. von Humboldt)。在他看来,语言和思维是密不可分的,语言不仅仅代表着思维,还在思维形成的过程中发挥着根本的作用。每种语言都有其特定的认知形式,即内部构造(inner structure),而句法的某些现象最能够揭示语言的内部构造。在19 世纪,众多描述性和历史性语法论著出版,这些著作一般只包括关于音位学和形态学的章节,而句法更多地作为形态学的附属部分被加以讨论。到了19 世纪末期,一些新语法学派1 的研究者才开始转向句法学,并且进行了广泛的研究。这些早期的句法分析与研究仍然更多地借助哲学理论。与此同时,心理学理论也对当时的句法学研究产生了重要的影响,其中影响最大的当属冯特(W. Wundt)。冯特是德国著名的心理学家和哲学家,他于1879 年在莱比锡大学创立世界上第一个心理学实验室,成功地把心理学从哲学中分离出来,使之成为一门独立的科学,冯特因此也被公认为实验心理学之父。冯特认为,心理学研究的对象是人的直接经验,而直接经验存在于经验者的主观世界之中,因此内省法是心理学研究的特有方法。但是,他认为传统的内省法并不科学,必须和实验法结合起来,借助于实验进行内省和自我观察。在众多的语言学研究者之中,叶斯柏森(O.Jespersen)是值得关注的。
本书的作者陶乐曼(M. Tallerman)于1979 年毕业于英国赫尔大学(University of Hull),获得学士学位,并于1987 年从该校获得博士学位。从1983 年到2004 年,她任教于杜伦大学(University of Durham),先后任讲师和高级讲师,其后到纽卡斯尔大学(Newcastle University)担任语言学教授至今。她长期从事凯尔特语语言学、语言的起源与进化、语言类型学、形态学和句法学等领域的研究工作。本书是国际上被广泛采用的句法学教材之一,第一版出版于1998 年,其后又经三次修订,分别于2005 年和2011年出版了第二版和第三版,现在我们所使用的是第四版,于2015 年出版。
崔 刚2019 年10 月于清华园



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