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書城自編碼: 3681764
作者: 牟婷 曹树梦
國際書號(ISBN): 9787300292670
出版社: 中国人民大学出版社
出版日期: 2021-09-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 51.2



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本教材用英语传授民航业的相关基础知识,包括航空公司介绍、地面服务、客舱服务等基本内容。本教材编写的原则旨在使学生通过教师讲授以及自主练习,能够理解和准确掌握民航业中相关知识的英语表达方式。全书共分15个单元,每个单元由7个部分组成。第1部分(Warming-up Activities)为课前讨论。该部分设计了与本单元内容相关的1~3个问题,引出本单元的学习内容。同时培养学生自主学习能力和口语交际能力。第2部分(Background Reading)为背景阅读。该部分设计了与本单元内容相关的背景资料,通过学习该部分内容,学生可以了解与本单元内容相关的背景知识。 第3部分(Passage Reading)为短文阅读。该部分设计了一篇短文阅读,通过学习该部分内容,学生可以重点掌握与民航工作相关的英语用语。第4部分(Dialogues in Situation)为情景会话。该部分设计了3篇左右的情景会话,通过学习该部分内容,学生可以了解民航工作中比较真实的情景,掌握相关的日常民航英语口语表达方法。第5部分(Language and Grammar Study)为语言和语法学习,通过学习该部分内容,学生可以掌握本单元中出现的语言表达和语法。第6部分(Communication Activity)为交际活动。该部分设计了工作中的实际情况,学生可以将所学内容融入工作情景中,从而流利、通畅地表达自己的想法和观点。第7部分(Read and Discuss)为阅读与讨论。该部分扩展了民航客运服务方面的相关知识。通过学习该部分内容,学生可以扩展知识面。
Unit 1 Airline Company Introduction
Unit 2 Travel Inquiries
Unit 3 Airport Service
Unit 4 Flight Schedule
Unit 5 Tickets and Fares
Unit 6 Check-in
Unit 7 Boarding Service
Unit 8 Seat Selection
Unit 9 Drink and Meal Service on an Airplane
Unit 10 Service for Special Passenger
Unit 11 Customs Declaration
Unit 12 Baggage Claim Service
Unit 13 Immigration Control
Unit 14 Airport Transportation
Unit 15 Hotel
Unit 1 Airline Company Introduction
Part 1 Warming-up Activities
1.Can you tell some airline companies in the world?
2.Airline designator codes usually refer to different airlines can you list as many as you can? 3.How many airline companies do you know? Please introduce one of them.
Part 2 Background Reading
An Introduction to the Airline Industry
The airline industry is a very competitive market. In the past 2 decades the industry has expanded and is still expanding its routes domestically and globally. In the beginning, airline industry was partly government owned.But in the recent years privatization with airline industry has taken place.DELAG(Deutsche Luftschiffahrts-Aktiengesellschaft), the first worlds airline,which on the 16 November 1909 this airline was started mainly with the government assistance.(This airship manufacturers were the zeppelin corporation and their headquarter was in Frankfurt.) The two Americans named Rufus and Marriott tried to start the Americas first airline but were failed due to the airline catching fire.The five airlines which were first started still exist and these airlines are the oldest ones.KLM is owned by Netherland, and Avianca airlines is owned by the Columbia.Qantas is Australians, Czech Airlines operated by the Czech Republic, Mexican Airlines by the Mexico.After the world wars there was some inventions that have been made and the demand for new planes, the designs and the techniques have greatly constructed. And soon after the world wars, the air routes throughout the Europe have been set up since the past 15 years, The airline route has become a biggest necessity of both business and common people and it is hard to live without the air travel. The main pros for the air travel is it reduces time and making the people to visit world in the affordable time. The airline industry can be categorized into four different and main Operations: International: This service



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