本书讲述了精准扶贫战略思想首倡地十八洞在基层扶贫工作的酸甜苦辣,展现了以十八洞为缩影的湘西山水美、民风淳、人情好、人性真,体现了基层干部的尽忠职守。以案例的形式对“决胜脱贫攻坚”的理论实践问题和所取得的成功经验等进行了详细阐述。This book details the major obstacles and achievements of implementing poverty alleviation. It gives a vivid account of the beautiful landscape, simple and honest local people, and the dutiful officials who made huge sacrifices for their work on the grassroots level. From the Shibadong Village, the author moves on to the entire Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Hunan Pr
“新时代的中国人”丛书聚焦新时代社会生活各方面的代表性、典型性人物,讲述在改革开放历程中中国人真实、生动的个体故事,展现新时代中国人积极向上的价值理念和精神追求,为国际社会多维度了解中国人、理解中国的发展进步,提供一个窗口、一个视角。2013年11月3日,习近平总书记来到湖南湘西十八洞村,作出了“实事求是、因地制宜、分类指导、精准扶贫”的重要指示。自此,十八洞村成为精准扶贫方略的首倡地。本书生动展现了十八洞村曲折感人的时代变迁。作者五年八次实地走访,从身边一个个鲜活的人物入手,全面记述了十八洞村党支部带领群众,积极响应党中央的号召,将大山深处积贫落后的边远村寨,逐步建设成因地制宜、合理规划、精准扶贫、精准脱贫的模范村的故事。Heroes of China’s New Era, a 8-volume book series published by China Intercontinental Press, extols a selection of role models embodying the zeitgeist of today’s Chinese society. The narratives of common individuals as heir to China’s fine traditions present the highlights of a picture showing people’s shared commitment to the Chinese Dream.Shibadong, or Eighteen Caves, is the place where the Chinese Communist Party’s Central Committee first raised the important thought of precision poverty alleviation in Hunan Province. In five years, the author visited the village eight times, gathering typical examples on the ground to tell the story of how local villagers joined hands with officials to turn a poverty-stricken village locked behind mountains into a model of precision poverty alleviation through strategic planning that makes the best of local resources.
彭学明,土家族,作家和文学评论家,现供职中国作家协会。其多篇作品入选中国教育部中学、大学语文课本,并被译成英、法、俄、日等多种语言。主要著作有《娘》《我的湘西》《祖先歌舞》等。Peng Xueming, a writer and literary critic of Tujia ethnicity, is a member of the China Writers Association. Many of his works are selected by the Ministry of Education for the textbooks of Chinese language in middle schools and universities. And his works have been translated into English, French, Russian, Japanese and other languages. His main works include Mother (Niang), My Xiangxi (Wo De Xiangxi), and Ancestral Songs and Dances (Zuxian Gewu).
PrefaceChapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter FiveChapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter EightChapter Nine Chapter TenChapter ElevenChapter Twelve Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen Chapter Fifteen Chapter Sixteen Chapter Seventeen Chapter Eighteen
When I first saw on the news that President Xi Jinping had been to Xiangxi prefecture of Hunan Province on an inspection tour on November 3, 2013, the joy that filled my heart was as great as any who had met him in person on that day. That is because I was born and raised in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, and my mother was born at the village called Shibadong that President Xi visited.Since then, several years have passed. Whenever I bring up Xiangxi in a conversation, I still beam with pride: It was during his tour of Xiangxi that President Xi raised the theory of targeted poverty alleviation. Each time I visited Shibadong, villagers never tired of recounting the once-in-a-lifetime event, and I could never have enough of such stories. It seemed the nation’s top leader had never left the village.Xiangxi is one of the country’s typically backward areas that are either remote, used to be revolutionary bases, or have a high percentage of ethnic groups in the population. Every year, I would make a trip to Xiangxi. A wave of joy would surge through my heart at any sign of progress. Nothing gives me more satisfaction than seeing my hometown improving both materially and spiritually year by year.
When moonlight awakes, it can return to the sky; when a bird is weary, it can turn back to the forest; but the loss of a mother leaves her child no place to rest. A home without a mother is incomplete, empty and lifeless. A child without a mother has no home to turn to, regardless of the child’s age. With your mother, you have a home; when she is gone, your home disappears with her. When their mother is there, brothers and sisters live as a family; with their mother gone, the siblings are relatives only. Even if a man lives to be a hundred, he must have his mother! Without her, does it matter if you can buy everything twice in the world? Without her, does it matter if you have the whole world at your fingertips? You are still a homeless child! And now, I have become that homeless child. I have lost my mother. I have lost my home. I shall never, ever see her on the balcony, watching me leave, waiting for my return…