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書城自編碼: 3784112
作者: 崔奇 著
國際書號(ISBN): 9787513670401
出版社: 中国经济出版社
出版日期: 2022-08-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 105.6



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在国际交往不断深入、日益频繁的背景下,当代大学生要具有全面的跨文化交际能力和宽广的国际视野,积极推动人类命运共同体的建设。要实现这一宏伟目标,大学生的全球意识和文化智能培养是其中的关键一环。高等院校师范生作为未来的人才培育者,尤其要主动增强国际理解能力,从全球化的角度来认识当下国家和世界发展的前景,从跨文化的角度来理解多元文化的共生和包容之道。 本书首先考察了美国高等教育领域全球化教育的产生与发展历程,梳理全球化教育、全球意识、文化智能等相关术语的定义,然后结合高等院校师范教育的实际情况,提出发展师范生全球意识与文化智能的策略及方法。此外,通过全球意识量表和文化智能量表来测评师范生的文化敏感度,找出影响师范生全球意识与文化智能的相关因素,进而提出改善全球化教育的教学方法与教学手段。
Chapter 1 Introduction 001
1.1Statement of the Problem 008
1.2Purpose of the Study 008
1.3Significance of the Study 009
1.4Research Questions 010
1.5Assumptions 011
1.6Definition of Terms 011
1.7Delimitations 012
1.8Limitations 013
Chapter 2 Review of the Literature 015
2.1Global Education Initiatives 017
2.2Implementation of Global Education 024
2.3People with Global Perspectives 038
2.4Curriculum and Instruction 061
2.5Language Education 089
Chapter 3 Methodology 119
3.1Research Questions 121
The Assessment and Development of Global-Mindedness and Intercultural Competence
3.2Hypotheses 122
3.3Population of the Research Study and the Sample 123
3.4Protection of the Subjects 123
3.5Research Instruments 124
3.6Participant Demographics 126
3.7Data Collection and Analysis Methods 126
Chapter 4 Data Manipulation and Analysis 131
4.1Demographic Analysis for the Sample 133
4.2Data Manipulation 135
4.3Tests of Hypotheses 138
Chapter 5 Discussion and Recommendations 167
5.1Findings and Implications 169
5.2Recommendations for Future Research 180
References 182
Appendices 198
Appendix A Global-Mindedness Scale (GMS) 198
Appendix B The Cultural Intelligence Scale (CQS) 201
Appendix C Demographic Questionnaire 203
Appendix D Letter of Request 204
Appendix E IRB Letter of Approval 208
Appendix F Teaching Journals 209

List of Tables
Table 1 Frequencies for Demographic Variables (N = 184) 134
Table 2 Latent Variables of the GMS and the CQS and Associated Survey
Item Numbers (N = 184) 136
Table 3 Descriptive Statistics for 11 Summed Variables (N = 184) 138
Table 4 Descriptive Statistics for the Mean Scores on the Five Latent
Variables of GMS Between Two Groups (N = 184) 140
Table 5 Descriptive Statistics for the Mean Scores on the Four Latent Variables of CQS Between Two Groups (N = 184) 143
Table 6 Descriptions of Independent Variables Predicting the Overall
GMS Scores (N = 183) 152
Table 7 Regression Analysis for Variables Predicting the Overall GMS
Scores (N = 183) 152
Table 8 Descriptions of Independent Variables Predicting the Overall CQS Scores (N = 184) 161
Table 9 Regression Analysis for Variables Predicting the Overall CQS
Scores (N = 184) 162
List of Figures
Figure 1 Circle of research field of global education 017
Figure 2 Intercultural competence in global and multicultural education 037
Figure 3 Scatterplot of frequency of interaction with people of diverse backgrounds with overall GMS scores 145
Figure 4 Scatterplot of gender with overall GMS scores 147
Figure 5 Scatterplot of perceived competence in non-native language or culture with overall GMS scores 147
Figure 6 Scatterplot of teaching experience with overall GMS scores 148
Figure 7 Histograms of normally distributed residuals in Question 3 150
Figure 8 Normal P-P plots of normal distributed residuals in Question 3 150
Figure 9 Plots of standardized residuals against standardized predicted
values in Question 3 151
Figure 10 Scatterplot of frequency of interaction with people of diverse backgrounds with overall CQS scores 155
Figure 11 Scatterplot of gender with overall CQS scores 156
Figure 12 Scatterplot of perceived competence in non-native language or culture with overall CQS scores 157
Figure 13 Scatterplot of teaching experience with overall CQS scores 157
Figure 14 Histograms of normally distributed residuals in Question 4 159
Figure 15 Normal P-P plots of normal distributed residuals in Question 4 160
List of Figures
Figure 16 Plots of standardized residuals against standardized predicted
values in Question 4 160
Figure 17 Scatterplot of scores on the overall GMS with overall CQS 164
Figure 18 Histogram of overall GMS scores 164
Figure 19 Histogram of overall CQS scores



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