《巴黎时尚界的日本浪潮》(The Japanese Revolution in Paris Fashion)
《时尚的艺术与批评:关于川久保玲、缪西娅?普拉达、瑞克?欧文斯……》( Critical Fashion Practice:From Westwood to van Beirendonck)
《梦想的装扮:时尚与现代性》(Adorned in Dreams: Fashion and Modernity)
《男装革命:当代男性时尚的转变》(Menswear Revolution:The Transformation of Contemporary Men’s Fashion)
《时尚的启迪:关键理论家导读》(Thinking Through Fashion: A Guide to Key Theorists)
《前沿时尚》(Fashion at the Edge: Spectacle, Modernity, and Deathliness)
《时尚与服饰研究: 质性研究方法导论》(Doing Research in Fashion and Dress:An Introduction to Qualitative Methods)
《波烈、迪奥与夏帕瑞丽:时尚、女性主义与现代性》(Poiret, Dior and Schiaparelli:Fashion, Femininity and Modernity)《时尚的格局与变革:走向全新的模式?》(Géopolitique de la mode : vers de nouveaux modèles? )
《运动鞋:时尚、性别与亚文化》(Sneakers: Fashion, Gender, and Subculture)
《日本时装设计师:三宅一生、山本耀司和川久保玲的作品及影响》(Japanese Fashion Designers:The Work and Influence of Issey Miyake, Yohji Yamamoto and Rei Kawakubo)
《面料的隐喻性:关于纺织品的心理学研究》(The Erotic Cloth: Seduction and Fetishism in Textiles)
《虎跃:现代性中的时尚》(Tigersprung:Fashion in Modernity)
《视觉的织物:绘画中的服饰与褶皱》(Fabric of Vision: Dress and Drapery in Painting)