本书首先从英语资料入手,综合多个流派的口令表达,力求 英文表达地道,再结合中文教学实际做出相应调整。希望读者可 以在阅读过程中勤做笔记,做好词汇表达分类,为日后设计个性
Swami Satchidananda不止一次提到: “Truth is one;paths are many.” 。 意思是说,真理只有一个,而通往真理的道路却有 千千万万。无论修习何种瑜伽,它都只是万千的选择之一,不是 唯一。此外,我们当中有很多人沉浸在日常的瑜伽体式练习中, 却很少跳出来看看瑜伽本来的样子。但我们终究要认识到体式只
是瑜伽的一个组成部分,不能和瑜伽画上等号。我们对瑜伽所产生的疑惑,瑜伽经典著述早已准备好了答案,等我们去阅读,去 发现。所以说,瑜伽英语不仅仅是实现双语教学的工具,它更是 一把钥匙,能为我们打开一扇扇瑜伽知识之门,带我们走入更广 阔的瑜伽天地。如果通过学习本书能为您探索瑜伽世界提供一点
感恩瑜伽路上与您相见,愿瑜生喜乐安康! Hari Om Tat Sat.
Yoga,as a way of life and a philosophy,can be practiced by anyone with inclination to undertake it,for yoga belongs to humanity as a whole.It is not the property of any one group or any one individual,but can be followed by any and all,in any corner of the globe,regardless of class,creed or religion.
—K.Pattabhi Jois
1.1 About Yoga
1.1.1 Definition and Objectives
The sage Patanjali defined yoga as the restraint of the modifications of the mind-stuff.The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit root“Yuj”,meaning ”to join,to yoke”.It is a series of methods and practices leading to a state of union between individual and universal awareness.In other words,yoga is both union and the way to that union.For the common practitioners‘level of understanding, Master Iyengar interpreted yoga as the union of body with the mind
and of mind with the soul.
According to The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali,the objective of
yoga is to weaken what are called the five klesas (obstacles),i.e.,
(hatred)and abhinivesa(fear of death).In yoga practice,you can keep experimenting with your body and mind and cultivating your
◆ The entire outside world is based on your thoughts and mental attitude.The entire world is your own projection.
awareness through observation and reflection.You might simply consider yoga as a science that improves your physical and mental health or a philosophy that helps liberate your mind from mundane life.
1.1.2 Major Schools of Yoga
Just as there are many paths leading to the top of a mountain,there are different types of yoga for you to choose to find out the truth.These different systems,although practised in various forms,are equally important with a shared goal.Here I will mention a few.
Raja Yoga
Raja means king.The word yoga traditionally refers to Raja Yoga,
which is also called Astanga(eight-limbed)Yoga according to The
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.The eight limbs ofyoga are yama (abstinence),
niyama(observance),asana(posture),pr?nay?ma(regulationof breath),pratyahara(sensewithdrawal),dharana(concentration), dhyāna(meditation)and sam?dhi (super-conscious state).
Hatha Yoga
Hatha,which consists of “ha”and “tha”,refers to the joining of the Sun and the Moon,or the union of the solar and lunar energy.Hatha Yoga specifically deals with practices for bodily purification which tranquilize the mind and discipline the body.With physical and mental purification and established balance in ida and pingala nadis?,susumna nadi opens,enabling the experience of sam?dhi.
◆If you can control your mind,you have controlled everything.Then there is nothing in this world to bind you.
1.1.2 瑜伽的主要流派
正如通往山顶的路有千条万条,为找到真理,你也有很多的 瑜伽种类可以选择。尽管这些不同的体系以各种形式习练,但它
Raja意为“王”。Yoga这个词从传统上来讲指的是王瑜伽。 据帕坦伽利的《瑜伽经》,王瑜伽也被称为阿斯汤加(八肢)瑜
伽①。瑜伽的“八肢”分别是禁制 (yama) 、 劝制 (niyama)、
体式 (asana) 、 调息 (prānāyāma) 、 制感 (pratyāhāra) 、 专注
(dhāranā) 、 冥想 (dhyāna) 和三摩地 (samādhi, 超意识状态)。
Hatha,由“ha”和 “tha”构成,指的是太阳和月亮的结合, 或者阳性能量与阴性能量的联合。哈达瑜伽特别涉及身体净化的 练习,这些练习能使心灵平静并磨炼身体。伴随身体和精神的净 化以及左脉(idānādī)与右脉 (pingalā nādī)②之间平衡的建立,中脉 (susumnā nādī) 打通,从而开启了三摩地的体验。
◆如果你控制了你的思想,你就控制了 一 切。那么这个世界上就没有什 么可以束缚你了。
Bhakti Yoga
Bhakti Yoga is the yoga of devotion,channeling emotional energy to a higher reality of life.It is generally devotion to God or the supreme consciousness in one of its manifestations.The object of devotion should have strong emotional ties for the devotee,so strong that the devotee’s emotional energy is all directed to serving the personal form of the supreme consciousness.When one continually thinks of his object of devotion,one would gradually lose awareness of ego,reduce the klesas and develop a highly concentrated mind.